The Break Up Boxes

The BFLC Break Up Box! The Box you send when words just don’t cut it!

Falling in love is fun, exciting and romantic.  It is all the things we dream of and romance novels are made of.  And then there is falling out of love- it is, as we know, just the opposite.  The end of a significant relationship will bring with it fear, grief and sadness and a range of other emotions that can turn even the most controlled person into a madman!

One of the hardest things next to your own divorce is watching your best friend, or loved one, deal with all that flows from the breakdown of their relationship. This is where our Break Up Box comes in!

We like to think of our Break Up Box as the ‘warm hug’ you or someone you love needs right now.

Relationship breakdowns are rarely something to be celebrated but our Break Up Box will hopefully bring a smile and sigh of relief during the most challenging of times. 

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