The Separation Shop - Splitsville Resources and Support
I am Clarissa Rayward and I am an Accredited Specialist in Family Law. I have practiced exclusively in the area of Family Law since my admission to the profession in 2003 and have assisted over 3,000 families navigate the throes of separation. With training in mediation and collaborative law, I approach family law matters with a focus on out of Court resolution.
The information, process and outcome you will receive from these resources has been gathered from many years of watching my clients, my friends and sometimes my family experience the trials and tribulations of divorce. I have seen many a silly mistake but also have experienced and assisted many people who have managed to have a dignified divorce – one that they have been able to look back on when all the dust has settled with pride.
I aim to provide you with a strategy and pathway to help you navigate to a place where you can look back on today and say, ‘I will be okay’.
The Confetti Lawyer elves are currently helping Santa pack his sleigh - they will back from 6 January 2025 to pack up your order and send it on its way!