3 Month Business Coaching package for Practice Owners and Managers
3 Month Business Coaching Package with Clarissa Rayward
Owning or running your own law firm comes with it’s joys and it’s challenges. When we first open the doors we are excited at the prospect of doing things ‘our way’. What often follows is that the day-to-day operations of running a business get in the way and slow down the business trajectory.
After 10 years of owning and operating her own law firm in Brisbane and from speaking to fellow business owners in ‘law land’, Clarissa has identified the common issues that we all experience in our businesses. Building a business or personal brand, bringing on team members, budgeting, social media marketing, networking, time management and everyday ‘growing pains’ can be avoided or alleviated with support and guidance on ways to overcome them.
With time so hard to find you may feel like there is no chance to add coaching calls into your already-busy week.
Just as successful athletes allocate time in their gruelling schedule to strategise their way to peak performance, business owners and managers must allocate time to get perspective on what will drive them closer to the outcomes they desire. Just as an athlete wouldn’t solve problems and strategise alone, neither should you.
Consider how many goals on your to-do list are still incomplete from 3 months ago? It is easy to lose sight of what we know is important which is where planning with accountability is key.
Creating the commitment to problem-solve and plan with someone who can bring a fresh perspective to your problems and goals will get you on the path you need to be on, faster.
Especially rare is access to a business coach who understands the nuances specific to a law business
So, how does it work?
Clarissa is offering coaching packages as short as 3 months through to 12 months.
3 Month Business Coaching Package:
Fortnightly coaching calls (up to 1 hr) $4 400 (incl GST)
If you are finding yourself second-guessing your judgement on how you run or market your business then this package is for you!
If you are interested in this product you can download the brochure here
All items are GST inclusive.
Learn more about our upcoming training for lawyers here